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Tags: energy
Above all, we want a fit horse at the start line. One of the most important questions for trainers regarding racehorse fitness should be,  “How can I offer my horses the maximum nutritional support?”

Months of preparation for that really crucial race and the day has finally arrived. Horses are saddled up and head to post.  The battle commences and unexpectedly the horse doesn’t run well or goes the distance. Various factors can lead to horses underperforming. The best known cause is muscle fatigue. Lactic acid is traditionally seen as the “culprit” of this type of fatigue. But is accumulation of lactate really the culprit? And is it the only cause of fatigue and acidification?

When do horses suffer from muscle fatigue?

Fatigue occurs when the capacity of the muscle to perform the required exertion temporarily declines. There are multiple factors that cause fatigue in horses and they can differ per situation. Muscle fatigue occurs following a period of intense exertion, for example after a race. During high intensity exertion the horse is said to be working above aerobic threshold, therefore muscle cells take their energy from glucose without using oxygen, the so-called anaerobic work. A byproduct of anaerobic exercise is lactate       .

Is lactate harmful?

Lactate is formed to provide muscles working “anaerobically” with energy. This causes lactate to accumulate in the muscles. But not all the muscles perform anaerobic work. Accumulated lactate that is then converted into glycogen, or enters the bloodstream as glucose, can be used as a source of energy for the muscles that do work anaerobically. So lactate on its own does not appear to be the direct cause of muscle fatigue, or is certainly not the sole cause. In fact, lactic acid is an important fuel source for muscles during exercise, including those in the heart. Muscle soreness after exercise occurs due to micro damage to muscles.

Lactate on its own does not appear to be the direct cause of muscle fatigue


A good warm up can help prevent muscle damage. During a warming-up exercise, the muscles have the chance to “wake up” and blood circulation is increased. The speed at which the lactate level in the blood declines after a performance, depends on the type of activity. Lactate levels will drop faster, for example, by allowing your horse to trot (in a relaxed way) than by walking your horse post exercise. The slowest drop in lactate levels occurs if your horse does not walk or trot after a period of intense effort. A suitable cooling-down exercise is therefore recommended to avoid muscle problems and to ensure the horse is ready to go as soon as possible after a hard effort.  Long periods of recovery between races can be costly and paying attention to cooling down thoroughly after races and training sessions can significantly reduce recovery time and return to optimal health.

Optimising performance through nutrition

An appropriate diet can help delay the onset of muscle fatigue and boost recovery from fatigue. The foundation is naturally laid by feeding a ration that is geared to your horse’s nutritional needs. To delay or prevent the onset of fatigue, matching the energy sources of racehorses to their expected performance is key.

It is important to know that during exertion a horse utilizes more than one source of energy: glucose and fatty acids. With brief, explosive forms of exertion the energy is mainly sourced from “glucose supplies” in the body (no oxygen necessary; anaerobic combustion). Starch and sugars in the ration can act as a source of glucose. These energy sources can be useful for horses that mainly expend brief but intensive effort ie. coming out of the starting stalls and during short sprints race. There are also indications that suggest that using fat (oil) as an energy source in equine diets can encourage the utilization of fatty acids during a distance race. This could delay the onset of the phenomenon of muscle fatigue.

When horses sweat they lose essential moisture and electrolytes. Compensating for this loss is important. Dehydration leads to reduced performance levels, muscle pain and eventually exhaustion.

It is also important to offer antioxidants in the battle against muscle problems. Antioxidants protect the muscle cells from the free radicals which are mainly produced as a result of any inflammatory responses during intense physical exertion. Free radicals affect the muscle wall, so preventing inflammatory responses as far as possible is essential. It has been scientifically proven that certain herbs can help in this respect.

A single nutrient will have little influence on energy conversion, fatigue and acidification. However the combination of the beneficial nutrients can work synergistically to contribute to the process of performance, fatigue and response to training, which is backed up by scientific research performed by Cavalor.

The philosophy at Cavalor is to take a multi-disciplinary approach to the problem instead of targeting lactic acid production alone. Scientific studies have demonstrated that the combination of various herbs and the combination of different antioxidants can have a synergistic effect. Based on such research and the over 30 years of experience built up at Cavalor, we put together formulas aimed at preventing problems such as muscle pain, acidification and fatigue. Herbs (herbal extracts) are an extremely important part of our formulas. By using the correct combination of herbs, we need fewer herbs to achieve a better result.

The graph below shows that the right combination of herbs has the most effective results. “The more the better” is not always the solution:  what is important is establishing the right combination. The correct combination creates strong synergistic effects in their role as an inflammatory control in this study.

Number on left side of graph indicates the percentage of inflammatory control for a single ingredient or varying combinations of herbal ingredients, where A and AB provide equal control, A, AB provide greater control than ABD or ABCD and ABCDE provides the highest level of inflammatory control.

From our research we know that it is also important to support the muscles with antioxidants. In this case too, the correct combination of antioxidants is vital. Many products on the market consist purely of vitamin E and selenium. But by using the right mix of antioxidants we once again create a synergistic effect that significantly exceeds the power of single products such as vitamin E.

Cavalor LactaTec is a very good example of a multi-ingredient product which we use to support muscle activity and prevent muscle fatigue. Cavalor LactaTec contains a powerful mix of antioxidants which have proven to be much more effective in comparison with a standard vitamin E/Se supplement.

Cavalor LactaTec + Cavalor Freebute

Combining Cavalor LactaTec and Cavalor FreeBute gives a great synergistic boost. Start giving our powerful Cavalor formula two days before the start of a race and get ready for the medals. Hard workers always suffer from a little stiffness and sensitive muscles, and Cavalor FreeBute will give these horses the relief they need. The horse will feel in top condition and ready to go the extra mile. Cavalor LactaTec works in a similar way, but focusses specifically on the muscles. Cavalor LactaTec helps prevent lactic acid accumulation, and, maybe even more crucially, stimulates the breakdown of lactic acid.

Want more insight into appropriate nutrition for your horse?

MyCavalor.com is a fast, user-friendly online resource that will help you calculate the appropriate ration for your horse in no time. Prefer to contact us directly? Sure! You can reach us by mail at(info@cavalor.com) or via our consumer hotline +32(0)9 220 25 25 .

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