Every horse is different. Every rider is unique. And so are their journeys together.

Cavalor – empower your ambition

About Cavalor

From the first steps in the world of equestrian sport to the ultimate partnership of horse and rider: we are here to accompany you on your journey. We assist you in making the right feed decisions to bring out the best in you and your horse. Not as a quick fix, but with a view to the horizon.

We’re committed to good health inside and out. Our products are created to meet the needs of your horse in any sport, any phase of life, and any specific requirements.

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Why Cavalor?

Ambition is what drives us and makes us grow. All of us. At Cavalor, we challenge ourselves to gain more knowledge and improve continuously. That’s how we develop our products; every product is borne of a rational and unique view on equine feeding and care – supported by scientific research and driven by the desire for the health of the horse and the meeting of its needs.

Every horse is different. Every rider is unique. As are their ambitions. We are here for all equestrian athletes. We are Cavalor, a part of your team. We are here to empower your ambitions.

What our partners are saying

Equestrian sport is a team sport
Equestrian sport is a team effort. Horses and riders are important, but so are the teams behind the scenes. That also includes the nutritionists at Cavalor. It is important that they are there to help our horses, because when you want to achieve something, all the pieces of the puzzle have to fit together.
Raf Kooremans_web
Raf Kooremans
Kooremans Stables
Watch your horse change
My ambition is seeing results in a great feed program which makes my horse focus, healthy and give me her best. Fiber Force, Superforce & Perfomix provide health and energy for my horse and do not make my horse hot! Change now to Cavalor for a happier healthier horse. Watch your horse change before your eyes to a better athlete!
Sam Snapp
A good diet is just as important as good training
A good diet is just as important as good training. The right combination for success! The team at Cavalor is made up of real specialists, and you can see this in their advice and products. We enjoy working with Cavalor and are very satisfied with their feeds, supplements, and care products.
Coby Van Baalen
Coby van Baalen
Van Baalen Dressage Stables
Professional nutritional guidance
Giving our horses the best, together. That's what I look for in a partnership. The nutritional team at Cavalor offers professional guidance. With their help, we were able to optimise our horse's feeding plans.
Jeroen De Winter_website
Jeroen De Winter
Het Netehof Stallions
Personal assistance
Nutrition remains extremely important! We look at each horse and plan what they feel good and stay fit. That's why it's so good to have an expert to consult when we're not sure. Cavalor gives me the help I need and their products are of good quality.
Anky van Grunsven_web
Anky van Grunsven
Anky Van Grunsven Dressage Horses
Feed as a foundation
Cavalor is an excellent complete feed. I can customize which type of grain each horse gets based on their body type and work load needs without having to add tons of supplements. Our horses are treated as top athletes. Understanding their dietary needs are paramount in producing a healthy and happy partner.
Allison Thompson
Nutrition partner on our team
We chose Cavalor because we were looking for the highest quality and healthiest option for our performance horses. With so many different horses, we have many different needs for each horse. Having Cavalor available to not only answer questions, but visit regularly to check up has been vital in perfecting our nutrition program.
Evie Moore
Evrmoore Stables
The right solution for every horse
Our priority is individual guidance for each horse. This includes nutrition tailored to their individual needs. Cavalor has a very wide range of high-quality products so we can always find the right solution for every horse.
Schouckens TC_web
Tom & Glenn Schoukens
Schoukens Training Center
Quality and doping-free
Cavalor makes good quality feeds and supplements and also gives good advice. It is nice to have a nutritional partner seeing that our horses can deliver optimum performance in competition. And not worry about doping substances.
Patrick van der Meer_web
Patrick van der Meer
De Hoeve Training Stables
Personally adapted to each horse
I like Cavalor because they have the most variety, and individually adapted to the horse. Besides excellent feeds, they have great products and supplements that make my horses look fantastic!
Isabel Cool
Isabel Cool
Cool Horses
Advice from experts
Good health comes from within, just as it does in humans. Expert advice is therefore important. That's why I chose Cavalor: they have a wide range of quality products, and they are always there to offer advice and support.
Tinne Bax_web
Tinne Bax
Team Bax
Rations tailored to your horse
Every horse is different and has different needs. That's why it's important to support them with the right means to keep them fit for sport. Thanks to Cavalor, we and our horses can count on a complete range of quality products that deliver visible results.
Pieter Clemens_web
Pieter Clemens
Lansink Stables
The best nutrition available
Quite simply, it's the best nutrition available for sport horses. The horses love it, they eat it incredibly well, and its health and performance benefits are beyond obvious.
Will Coleman
Will Coleman Eventing
Cavalor stands for innovation
Our sport has evolved tremendously, and it's important that we give our horses the right guidance in every aspect. A nutritionist means significant added value for your horse's well-being and that translates into performance. For me, Cavalor means innovation.
Ludo Philippaerts_web
Ludo Philippaerts
Philippaerts – We live horses
A team of experts
With all of the things I manage as a trainer and business owner one less concern, especially where my horses nutrition is concerned, is invaluable. Knowing the horses have a team of experts on their side when it comes to their health is a great comfort and a great help!
Brittany Massey
BTH Equestrian
Keeps our animals in top shape
I own a boarding and lesson facility so it is important to have our animals in top shape and Cavalor helps us do this. All of the products we have tried work so well. From the feeds, to the horse shampoos, to the supplements like Gastro Aid), every product has exceeded expectations!
Ashley Templeton
Rations tailored to your horse
Every horse is different and has different needs. That's why it's important to support them with the right means to keep them fit for sport. Thanks to Cavalor, we and our horses can count on a complete range of quality products that deliver visible results.
Pieter Clemens_web
Pieter Clemens
Lansink Stables
Our horses deserve the best
Our horses work hard and deserve the best - we strive for excellence in all that we do and have always chosen quality - and we finally have a nutritional product that meets our high standards of care.
Leslie Terry
You really notice a difference
A lifetime with horses is a lifetime of learning. This means that, despite my long experience, I still sometimes see challenges in providing my horses with the right feeding and care. It is wonderful that I can depend on Cavalor's expertise. They offer sound advice on proper nutrition and care to allay my concerns. You really notice a difference!
Christel Poels
Christel Poels
Rawhide Ranch
You are what you eat
What you eat is what you are. I really believe that, which is why I think it is important that my horses get the nutrition and care they need. I know that Cavalor's nutritionists are always ready and able to help.
Karin Donkers
Karin Donckers
Karin Donckers Eventing
Wide product range and great service
Today, top sport is about details, which is why it's essential that the horses' feed is up to scratch. Cavalor has a very wide range of products that can be adapted to each horse. And they also have great customer service.
Olivier Philippaerts_web
Olivier Philippaerts
Philippaerts – We live horses

Cavalor – Official FEI nutrition partner

Equine well-being is a top priority for both Cavalor and for the FEI. Cavalor makes products for every phase of a horse’s life, from its first steps as a foal to its retirement years, with the goal of equine good health, performance, and happiness.


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