Everything you need to know about the immune system
Everything you need to know about the immune system
Tags: care, immunity

The body’s immune system protects it from germs, viruses, and bacteria. The stronger the immune system, the less likely the horse will fall ill. It’s also responsible for recovery after physical exertion. Although the immune system is invisible, it plays an important role in the horse’s well-being. The immune system is constantly working to quickly fight off threats to the body.

The skin is an important protective shield against invaders and in many cases prevents them from entering the body. However, they can find their way into the airways or mucous membranes through openings in the skin (wounds). Just like the human body, the equine body has an entire “army” of white blood cells standing at the ready. These white blood cells attack anything that the body doesn’t recognize as its own. Amongst the most important are macrophages, which recognize bacteria as invaders and trap them, breaking them down into smaller components and then disarming them by producing anti-inflammatory substances called cytokines. These substances alert other cells and also trigger other white blood cells to get to work eliminating the invading bacteria. If the pathogenic organisms are stronger than the immune system, the army of white blood cells will be overcome by the virus, which is when the horse would start to display signs of illness.

Physical and mental health

The immune system determines a horse’s physical health. An important link to this system is the intestinal tract. A healthy gut is the first step to equine health. The horse’s immune system is made up of several interacting functional components :  the gut, lymphatic system, white blood cells, bone marrow, antibodies, mucous membranes, skin, spleen, and liver, with everything regulated by the thymus.

A horse’s physical defences are not the only influences on its resistance to pathogens: its mental health also plays an important role. The bidirectional communication between the digestive system and the brain is known as the gut-brain axis and is becoming increasingly recognised as a key component in the regulation of the immune system and the gut’s influence on behaviour and mental health.  If you do not look after both the gut and mental health, the system as a whole will be affected. Stress can have a huge impact on a horse’s immune system. Always monitor the horse’s behavioral patterns for any stereotypical signs of stress such as cribbing or box walking, but also more subtle signs such as lack of interest in work. Ensure adequate turnout and social contact and avoid conditions that lead to boredom and frustration. The horse’s natural defenses depend on its physical AND psychological health.

Immune system is physical and mental health

The gut is the largest barrier between your horse’s body and the external environment. The gut membrane comes in contact with everything that the horse eats and drinks. The intestinal wall is extremely thin despite this important task. If the horse comes into contact with harmful substances, these can be potentially lethal. This is where the immune system comes in – the army that fights off contaminants and keeps the body from harm.

Gut flora & the immune system

The development of a healthy digestive system begins shortly after birth. When the foal drinks the mare’s colostrum, the first antibodies enter the bloodstream and the first bacteria enter the large intestine, including the bacteria that settle there, called bacterial flora or microflora.. The gut’s immune system must first recognize this microflora so that it can later distinguish clearly between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria in the gut.

When bacteria first enter the gut, they are regarded as substances foreign to the body, provoking a response from the immune system. However, when the host recognizes that these bacteria are not pathogens, there is no longer a reaction. Bacteria and horse can thus cooperate in their mutual need for each other for survival. The horse is built to digest fiber around the clock and roughage is a major source of dietary fiber.  Eating roughage also meets psychological needs. A horse is naturally accustomed to eating for up to 16 hours a day.  Fiber contains essential nutrients but isharder to digest and needs help from gut microflora. The microflora converts the fiber from the plants into fatty acids and B vitamins, which help to provide the horse with energy and plays a crucial role in the regulation of the immune system. It protects the body from harmful outside factors. A healthy gut microbiome is therefore essential for maintaining good health and optimum performance.

Recommendation from our feed experts: fiber for a strong immune system

Cavalor makes several products with emphasis on fiber. We’ve included three of them below. Also of special note is the new formula for Cavalor Resist + Vit C. Resist + Vit C strengthens the natural defenses of horses that are often on the road or are recovering from illness.

Cavalor FiberForce is an ultra-high-fibre herbal muesli enriched with pre and probiotics to support gut flora and general gut health. Cavalor FiberForce boasts a unique blend of high-quality, easily digestible fibre feeds. Its added herbs provide additional nutrients to the skin and coat. With minimal starch and sugar – ideal for horses with delicate stomachs or susceptibilities to metabolic illnesses.

Cavalor Fiberforce Gastro is specially developed for horses that are prone to stomach irritations and stomach ulcers. It is an ultra-high-fiber herbal muesli with minimal starch and sugar and contains lucerne, Timothy stalks, teff grass pellets, and beet pulp. Fiberforce Gastro is also enriched with acid buffers that neutralize excess stomach acid and protect the stomach wall from irritations. It contains fenugreek : tasty and stimulates the appetite – ideal for horses that are picky eaters and need encouragement to increase fiber intake

Cavalor Fiber Beet Mash is rich in high-quality fibre. It contains flaked beet pulp and NO oats. A delicious treat for all horses. A delicious treat for all horses and an ideal way to provide powder supplements when mixed with this mash. Also suitable for horses with dental issues.

Resist + Vit C > new formula! Resist + Vit C supports your horse’s natural defenses and immune system, making your horse less susceptible to infections and providing protection from pathogens. Our Cavalor Resist + Vit C has a new formula! We’ve now supplemented the herbs in our old formula with some very essential oils like lemon eucalyptus oil, and lemongrass oil. These essential oils take strain off the immune system by supporting the airways, blood circulation, and lymphatic system.

Want more insight into appropriate nutrition for your horse?

MyCavalor.com is a fast, user-friendly online resource that will help you calculate the appropriate ration for your horse in no time. Prefer to contact us directly? Sure! You can reach us by mail at(info@cavalor.com) or via our consumer hotline +32(0)9 220 25 25 .

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