Know your muscles!
Know your muscles!
Tags: care, energy
Healthy and supple muscles are essential for the health and performance of race horses. A horse can only perform at his best when his muscles are in optimal condition. The alternation of exercise and rest along with feeding according to need are the keys to healthy muscles. In this Science Sunday, we give you insight into muscle function and share with you the Cavalor roadmap for healthy and supple muscles.

Racehorses are athletes. Athletes need healthy, well developed muscles for optimum movement and performance. We all recognize a horse that comes out stiff following a (or post) strenuous exercise. The horse seems stiff and rigid the next day (or maybe days). Why does this occur? To avoid fatigue and muscle problems during training or competition, it is important to understand the muscular system at exercise, and which sources of energy are required for optimum function.

Fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibres

Muscles are made of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers. These are also known as Type I and Type II muscle fibers. When a horse does low-intensity work, it is mainly the slow-twitch (Type I) muscle fibers that are working. Type I fibers convert energy with the help of oxygen. This type of energy is called aerobic energy. When a horse starts intense work, it will not only have a higher heart rate, but its body will also partly switch to anaerobic (without oxygen) energy conversion. The muscle fibers responsible for anaerobic work are called fast-twitch (Type II)  fibers

Lactate does no harm

Lactate is commonly thought of as an unwanted waste product of exercise, but in fact it is essential to the training process. Lactate is formed in the Type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibers. The lactate is transported from the fast-twitch to the slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are close together. Slow-twitch fibers turn lactate into ATP, the fuel for muscles. ATP is reused by the muscles as energy. Lactate is therefore good for the horse’s muscles! It provides continuous energy for the muscle fibers and acts as a protective mechanism to stop the horse’s body from hurting itself. When more lactate is produced than the muscle can use, it will enter the bloodstream. There it splits into lactate and H+. It is the H+ ions that acidify the muscles, causing stiffness and possibly damage.

Importance of training and nutrition

The level at which a horse can perform without experiencing muscle soreness can be improved through training. The more trained the horse is, the longer he can perform on aerobic energy, i.e. with oxygen in the muscle fibers. Training will raise your horse’s aerobic threshold – this is the intensity and duration the horse can work at using the aerobic (with oxygen) energy system. When this happens, the horse will progressively be able to perform harder levels of work. The optimum transport of oxygen therefore prevents muscle damage and helps recovery.

In addition to training, nutrition also plays an essential role. It is important to know that different muscle fibers require different energy. The fast-twitch muscle fibers (Type II) mainly obtain energy from food that is high in starch and sugars, providing short, high energy peaks during hard work. The slow-twitch muscle fibers (Type I) get energy from fats and fiber. This provides sustained, even energy during endurance work. Optimizing a training plan without adjusting the feed plan is actually pointless.

Exercise raises your aerobic threshold. The fitter the horse is, the longer he can perform on aerobic energy, i.e. with oxygen in the muscle fibers, before acidification occurs. (Wim Vandriessche)

Give muscles the right fuel

By providing your horse with the right energy, you give him an optimum foundation for performance. In addition, you can use supplements to prevent muscle damage, promote recovery, and keep muscles healthy and supple. At Cavalor, we believe in the power of the combination. For example, we use vitamins C and E in combination with selenium and other antioxidants to protect muscles from oxidative stress. Scientific research has shown that a combination of the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E better protects your horse’s body against harmful substances than vitamin E alone. We’ve also added extra vitamins and minerals, including a complex of B vitamins and sulfur, magnesium, and manganese, to counteract muscle tension and promote flexibility and endurance. You will also find buffers and essential oils in Cavalor muscle supplements to further support the muscles. Buffers like sodium bicarbonate neutralize H+ molecules and prevent acidification. The active components of essential oils provide antioxidants to promote muscle relaxation and eliminate muscle fatigue.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Water stimulates blood circulation and ensures the elimination of waste products such as H+ ions. Electrolytes ensure that the body absorbs water and transports it to the right place, body’s water balance. A lack of electrolytes makes it harder for the body to absorb water. Water and electrolytes are essential to the functioning of the horse’s body. Give your horse electrolytes after a hard or long workout, in extremely hot weather, or any other conditions that caused the horse to sweat. Your horse may also need electrolytes after transport.

Hydration is key to muscle health

The importance of warming up and cooling down

Developing healthy and flexible muscles requires conscious nutritional choices and a conscious approach to training. Warming up  is essential to any session, gradually preparing muscles for hard work by warming up wakes up the muscles and increases blood circulation. Cooling down for a few minutes at a relaxed trot as this will help to eliminate accumulated waste from the body. Do not underestimate the importance of both of these training components to keep your horse in optimal health and work preventively against muscle stiffness and unnecessary muscle damage.

Cavalor tips for healthy and supple muscles
  • Hydrate – Water and electrolytes drive your horse’s body
  • Fill up with the right fuel – Choose the right feed
  • Support your horse’s muscle function
  • Prevent muscle damage: supplement when needed
  • The cooling down is just as important as the work itself

Healthy muscles result from a combination of work, rest, and a good feed plan. Sometimes a basic ration will need added supplements. Every horse needs sufficient roughage and unlimited access to fresh water.

Short, explosive exercises like jumping mainly require starch and sugars. The ideal feed for this is Cavalor Perfomix: it contains grains like oats and wheat to provide high-energy peaks.

Short, explosive exercises like jumping mainly require starch and sugars. The ideal feed for this is Cavalor Perfomix: it contains grains like oats and wheat to provide high-energy peaks. For endurance work, there is Cavalor Endurix: a feed with a high fat content to stimulate aerobic metabolism and delay muscle fatigue.

For endurance work, there is Cavalor Endurix: a feed with a high fat content to stimulate aerobic metabolism and delay muscle fatigue.

Muscle Motion supports the muscles to keep them supple and healthy. It also helps to protect the muscle cells, preventing acidification and muscle damage. Cavalor Lactatec is specially designed for muscle performance. It optimizes muscle function and postpones muscle fatigue. It supports muscle recovery and prevents stiffness.

Complete your comprehensive plan with Cavalor Electrolytes and Cavalor Freebute Gel. Electrolytes should be administered up to 2 hours before work or right after work. This retains minerals and replenishes your horse’s reserves in time. Use Cavalor Freebute Gel to loosen up sensitive muscles or for faster recovery after strenuous exercise.

Finally: make sure your horse is thoroughly cooled down after work to prevent muscle soreness. Add Cavalor Coolsens to your horse’s cool-down water. Cavalor Coolsens provides long and pleasurable cooling effects..

Want more information on the right feed for your horse? At MyCavalor.com, you can easily match your horse’s feed ration to its needs. Prefer to ask us personally? You can! Send an email to info@cavalor.com or call our Consumer Line at +32(0)9 220 25 25.

Want more insight into appropriate nutrition for your horse?

MyCavalor.com is a fast, user-friendly online resource that will help you calculate the appropriate ration for your horse in no time. Prefer to contact us directly? Sure! You can reach us by mail at(info@cavalor.com) or via our consumer hotline +32(0)9 220 25 25 .

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