Three tips for switching from pasture to (more) stable

Three tips for switching from pasture to (more) stable

Jannah Cavalor
We can no longer ignore it, autumn is upon us. Leaving the long summer evenings behind us, we now start preparing for the winter season. We can take our winter coats out of the closet and store our summer shorts in the attic. For horses, the change of season is not so simple. Stable life in winter brings different routines than in summer. For example, your horse is likely to spend much less time at pasture in autumn than in summer. Cavalor’s nutritionists will give you tips to make the transition as smooth as possible.

With the change of season, there is a good chance that your horse will spend less time at pasture and thus have less exercise. Then it is good to realise that your horse has fewer ways to release their energy. And that spending more time in the stable often also leads to boredom.

Tip 1: Provide sufficient roughage

Most horses spend less time at pasture in winter. They eat little or no grass then, and the grass is also much poorer than in summer. Your horse will therefore get fewer nutrients from the grass. That is why horses need roughage in winter. Make sure your horse gets enough roughage, spread over several meals a day, so they can keep eating and keep their stomach full (this also helps against boredom).

Hay or haylage has lower levels of vitamins and minerals than fresh grass. People often overlook this. They give their horse the same amount of roughage in winter as in summer, while the horse actually needs more during the cold months. On top of that, over time, protein, vitamins and minerals deteriorate in hay and haylage. This is because it is harvested in spring and summer and only fed in winter. In the meantime, the nutritional value changes. You then see, for example, that horses become leaner in February or have a less beautiful coat.

If necessary, give a supplement or balancer with the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements. And also adjust the amount of concentrate when your horse gets less exercise. Cavalor FiberForce is a feed concentrate low in starches and sugars, ideal for sensitive horses but also especially in the transition from pasture to stable. It is also packed with fibre. 

Tip 2: Supplementing may be necessary

Sometimes a horse needs a little extra support to get through the winter fit and healthy. That little extra for their health can also be found in fatty acids. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential fatty acids. This means that the body requires these substances but cannot produce them itself. The fatty acids should therefore be absorbed through the diet. In winter, horses often get a lot of omega-6 fatty acids via concentrates. However, they cannot get much omega-3 fatty acids from it and also the hay they eat contains less omega-3 than the fresh summer grass. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important to immunity and for the production of omega-9 in the colon. They provide health from within. A proper ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids has a positive effect not only on the immune system but also on the overall health of the horse. An imbalance between these fatty acids can be associated with inflammation, a poor coat, reduced resistance and reduced fertility.

Cavalor OilMega consists of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Vitamin E is added to these oils. Vitamin E counteracts the oxidation of fatty acids, allowing them to perform their functions for longer.

Tip 3: Boost resistance

Your horse’s resistance is severely tested during the winter months. The doors and windows are closed more often in stables. A perfect environment for viruses and bacteria.  By giving your horse’s immune system extra support during this period, they become less susceptible to diseases. 

Horses do not get sick from the cold, but with a reduced resistance they can! Just like in humans, resistance in horses can diminish in winter. Being indoors has an impact, but temperature fluctuations can also mean that your horse’s resistance is not as high as you would like. Resist + Vit C is a powder that supports the building of the immune system with a mix of antioxidants, herbal extracts and essential oils. A combination of several antioxidants works better than a high dose of one antioxidant as each antioxidant works differently.

A high-fibre mash, such as Cavalor Strucomash Beet, is also a welcome extra in the winter months: a source of fibre, good for intestinal flora and what’s more, horses have something extra to do and nibble on.

Jannah Cavalor
Chef de produit aliments et friandises chez Cavalor
De l'amour des chevaux à la passion pour le développement de produits. Jannah est aujourd'hui la force motrice du développement des aliments et friandises chez Cavalor. Elle cherche en permanence à innover et à inventer dans un seul but : améliorer la santé des chevaux.

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