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Everything about pastes for horses

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Take It Easy Forte

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High doses of L-Tryptophan, B vitamins and essential oils support the production of serotonin, an anti-stress hormone. 0.00

Bronchix Pulmo

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A paste supplement that opens up the horse’s airways and supports pulmonary elasticity and resilience during high-intensity training and competition. 0.00

Emergency 911

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A fast-acting and easily digestible paste for alleviating intestinal disturbances and protecting the digestive tract during transport. 28.21

Take It Easy

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Help your horse focus and relaxation during temporary stressful situations with a combination of of L-Tryptophan and vitamin B1. 0.00

Gastro Aid Paste

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A combination of natural ingredients to help the horse buffer against stomach acid. 0.00

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