Breathing and airways

Breathing and airways

Breathing and airways


Breathing and airways

Bronchix Pure

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Soothes and opens up the airways while deeply cleansing the lungs and strengthening the body’s natural defenses. 0.00

Bronchix Liq

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A liquid to help quickly clear the horse’s airways that has a soothing effect on irritated upper respiratory passages. 0.00

Bronchix Pulmo

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A paste supplement that opens up the horse’s airways and supports pulmonary elasticity and resilience during high-intensity training and competition. 0.00

Bronchix Pure

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Soothes and opens up the airways while deeply cleansing the lungs and strengthening the body’s natural defenses. 0.00

Bronchix Liq

Subtitle to be added dynamically

A liquid to help quickly clear the horse’s airways that has a soothing effect on irritated upper respiratory passages. 0.00

Bronchix Pulmo

Subtitle to be added dynamically

A paste supplement that opens up the horse’s airways and supports pulmonary elasticity and resilience during high-intensity training and competition. 0.00

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