How to treat horses with small wounds?

How to treat horses with small wounds?

Elynn Cavalor
Written byElynn Thys
Does your horse have a small wound that needs treatment? If you stick to these 4 tips your horse will soon be back to its old happy self.
1. First cold water

Small grazes or wounds on your horse’s rump? They can be bathed with cold potable water from the tap. You can also use Cavalor Derma Spray to clean small wounds. The active pre and probiotics in this product will prevent inflammation of the wound and promote the natural healing process.

2. Small (grazes) wounds? Bathe and clean them yourself

Not only severe wounds can be serious. An infection or swollen leg is often caused by a small wound. No matter how small, always clean the wound and treat it with a healing salve such as Cavalor Lurax Cream. Also keep an eye out for any swelling, pain or temperature in your horse. Found a larger or deeper wound? Contact your vet immediately, as bathing may result in sand, hair or other dirt penetrating deeper into the wound, which could make the vet’s job, i.e. stitching, considerably harder.

3. Products based on iodine and horses: not a good combination

We’re not in favour of products based on iodine, as this disinfectant will have an adverse effect on the horse’s body cells. Do you use it often? If so, you will be hindering the healing process and your horse’s skin will become dry. Result: the skin becomes too dry and loses its elasticity, resulting in torn skin and/or small wounds. Would you like to disinfect as a preventive measure? Use Cavalor Derma Wash. It thoroughly cleans and doesn’t dry out the skin.

A disinfect: Cavalor Derma Wash

4. Swelling and swollen legs

Sometimes a wound will only be noticed when a horse develops swelling. Not surprisingly, swelling is often the result of an infection. Mud fever, for example, can lead to significant swelling in your horse’s legs. In such cases Cavalor MudDoc salve is ideal as it accelerates the healing process and reduces swelling by stimulating the circulation. Cavalor FreeBute Gel is also a safe option for the treatment of small wounds, even though this gel is intended for the treatment of swellings. Taking a long time to take effect? If so, you may have to resort to anti-inflammatories, diuretics or antibiotics to heal your horse. Always consult your vet in such cases. 

Elynn Cavalor
Product manager Cavalor supplements & care
From science to practice. This is how Elynn prefers to see new Cavalor supplements developed and where her knowledge as a bioengineer comes into play. Health inside and out: Cavalor care products also have her attention. As a rider, Elynn likes to test products herself so she can be sure that the products always deliver what she promises.

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