RESEARCH Article: Preventive effects of two nutraceuticals

RESEARCH Article: Preventive effects of two nutraceuticals

Caroline Cavalor
Written byCaroline Loos

Published in: Equine Veterinary Journal, Issue 4 July 2017

The preventive effects of two nutraceuticals on experimentally induced acute synovitis



Nutraceuticals are often used in the management of equine osteoarthritis, but scientific evidence of their efficacy is lacking.


To study the preventive effects of two new nutraceuticals after the experimental induction of synovitis in comparison with positive and negative control treatments.

Study design

Blinded, controlled, randomised experiment.


Twenty-four healthy Standardbred horses were randomly allocated to supplement AT (multi-ingredient, 28 days), supplement HP (collagen hydrolysate, 60 days), meloxicam (4 days) or placebo (60 days). Synovitis was induced in the right intercarpal joint by intra-articular injection of 0.5 ng lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Escherichia coli while treatments were continued. Blood and synovial fluid were sampled before treatment, immediately prior to LPS injection, and at 8, 24 and 48 h post-injection. Synovial fluid samples were analysed for total nucleated cell count (TNCC), total protein (TP) and selected biomarkers (prostaglandin E2 [PGE2], interleukin-6 [IL-6], glycosaminoglycans [GAGs], type II collagen synthesis [CPII], matrix metalloproteinase [MMP]). Lameness was scored by visual examination and pressure plate analysis immediately prior to LPS injection, and at 8, 24 and 48 h post-injection. Clinical examinations were performed before treatment, immediately prior to LPS injection, at 2, 4 and 6 h post-injection, and then twice per day during the test period.


Before treatment and intra-articular challenge, there were no statistically significant differences among the treatment groups for any of the parameters. After intra-articular challenge, the placebo group showed significantly higher synovial fluid TP, TNCC and PGE2 compared with the meloxicam group, although the model did not induce a relevant amount of lameness. Both nutraceuticals resulted in significantly lower synovial fluid TP, TNCC and PGE2 compared with placebo. No statistical differences in IL-6, GAGs, CPII or MMPs were observed among treatment groups. No adverse effects were observed.

Main limitations

Despite evidence of synovitis, lameness was too mild to detect.


The preventive administration of these nutraceuticals showed anti-inflammatory effects in this validated synovitis model. Therefore, further studies of their clinical applicability are warranted.

Authors: E. van de Water, M. Oosterlinck, M. Dumoulin, N. M. Korthagen, P. R. van Weeren, J. van den Broek, H. Everts, F. Pille, D. A. van Doorn

Caroline Cavalor
PhD head of research Cavalor and equine nutritionist
Passionate about science and horses, Caroline likes to share her knowledge and the latest scientific insights into horse nutrition. Her studies on protein in equine nutrition have been published worldwide. Caroline is currently focusing her research at the University of Kentucky on gut health. Because a healthy gut makes for a healthy horse.

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