Similar but different: Cavalor FiberForce & Cavalor FiberForce Gastro

Similar but different: Cavalor FiberForce & Cavalor FiberForce Gastro

Horses need fiber – it truly is the basis of a healthy stomach and intestinal function. A healthy gastrointestinal tract is the first step to a healthy horse. At Cavalor, you will find several high-fiber products, including two well-known ones: FiberForce and FiberForce Gastro. But what are the differences in these two products? The information below will help you decide which product you should use for your horse. 
Cavalor FiberForce

Cavalor FiberForce is a high-fiber mix that’s low in sugar (5%) and starch (3%) and formulated for sensitive horses. It prevents dramatic spikes in blood glucose and insulin levels, making it a safe feed for horses prone to metabolic disorders. Cavalor FiberForce also contains a balanced mix of lucerne stalks, teff, and beet pulp. Its extra fiber aids in digestion to prevent gastrointestinal problems. Fiber is the engine of a horse’s gut. It also contains pre- and probiotics to support the gut flora and a healthy bowel in general. Cavalor FiberForce contains extruded fiber pellets for good digestion.

Cavalor FiberForce is suitable for:

  • Horses with sensitive digestive systems
  • Horses with metabolic problems
  • Horses recovering from illness/surgery or after prolonged treatment with medications
  • Horses that suffer from recurrent intestinal problems
  • Detox purposes

Feeding instructions: We recommend a minimum of 500 g and a maximum 2000 g per 100 kg body weight per day. For a 600 kg horse, this means a minimum of 3 kg and a maximum of 12 kg per day. Divide the concentrate feed over several portions per day, preferably after feeding forage.

Cavalor FiberForce Gastro

Stomach ulcers are a common equine problem. Weight loss, drop in performance, dull coat, yawning, and loss of appetite are all signs that suggest the presence of gastric ulcers. Cavalor FiberForce Gastro is a high-fiber mix designed for balanced stomach function. It is high in fiber, consisting of a mix of lucerne and teff grains, beet pulp, and 8% Timothy stems. This is ideal for stimulating saliva production and neutralizing stomach acid. The herbs and gastric buffers protect the stomach wall from irritation and ensure optimum pH in the stomach. Cavalor FiberForce Gastro, like Cavalor FiberForce, is low-starch and low-sugar. Horses with stomach problems often lose their appetite because eating has become painful. Cavalor FiberForce Gastro contains added fenugreek for extra flavor.

Cavalor FiberForce Gastro is suitable for:

  • Horses with (or prone to) stomach irritations and stomach ulcers

Feeding instructions: We recommend a minimum of 500 g and a maximum of 1000 g per 100 kg body weight per day. For a 600 kg horse, this means a minimum of 3 kg and a maximum of 6 kg per day. Divide the concentrate feed over several portions per day, preferably after feeding forage.

Both FiberForce and FiberForce Gastro are based on the power of fiber. Here are their main similarities and differences: 

  • High fiber content – the power of fiber!
  • Promote healthy digestion
  • Low in starch and sugar
  • Energy from fats and fibers, suitable for sensitive horses
  • FiberForce is formulated to promote healthy function of the intestinal tract
  • FiberForce Gastro is formulated to promote healthy function of the stomach
  • FiberForce Gastro contains buffers to neutralize gastric acid and protect the stomach wall
  • FiberForce Gastro is enriched with fenugreek, is extra tasty, and stimulates your horse’s appetite

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