The best tips for equine winter complaints

The best tips for equine winter complaints

Elynn Cavalor
Written byElynn Thys
Tags: winter

We often dream of a beautiful white winter. But the reality is that here in America winter is mostly wet, cold, and dark. For horses, winter also means lots of changes as they go from grass to hay, from pasture to stable. They often get less exercise and go through coat changes. Winter ailments lurk. In this blog, we share our tips for preventing (or quickly solving) the most common winter equine complaints.  

Winter complaint #1: thrush

Horses’ environments are more likely to be muddy in the winter, and moisture and urine can cause hoof problems. Such conditions encourage the growth of bacteria in the hoof as they need little oxygen to survive. We all recognize the symptoms. Thrush, foul-smelling hooves, and even swelling can make the horse walk with a sensitive gait.

Our tip: treat your horse’s hooves – both preventively and for active cases of Thrush– with Cavalor Dry Feet! Thrush will disappear in no time. Fighting bad bacteria with good bacteria is the idea behind Dry Feet. Poor hooves are often given aggressive treatments but here at Cavalor, we believe in the power of self-healing. With a little help, many problems can often be cured or prevented. Cavalor Dry Feet contains pre- and probiotics. Probiotics survive in wet conditions and are already present on healthy hooves. Probiotics do not kill anything off -– they suppress pathogens. Prebiotics help probiotics do their work. Cavalor Dry Feet allows good bacteria to flourish, resulting in healthy hooves.

Winter complaint #2: Mud fever, an unwelcome guest

Your horse’s hooves are not all that suffer from wet winter conditions. Another common complaint is mud fever. This is an irritation of the horse’s skin. The skin dries out, causing cracks that can be quite painful. It can also cause swelling which eventually leads to lameness. Mud fever is sometimes so chronic that it seems impossible to get rid of, but a boost to the immune system can help to prevent and cure extreme cases.

Our tip for a comprehensive approach: strengthen the body’s natural resistance! That is why we begin with a 45-day cure of Resist + Vit C. Resist + Vit C is a supplement that supports the immune system through a combination of antioxidants, herbs, and essential oils. It helps your horse’s body be less prone to infections and more able to fight off pathogens. We also recommend feeding FiberForce for six weeks. This high-fiber mix with long fiber lengths promotes healthy stomach and bowel function. A properly functioning bowel is the foundation of a strong immune system.  Adding OilMega to the feed ration supplies a balanced mix of fatty acids, ensuring healthy gut flora and providing extra support for the immune system. This strengthens your animal’s natural defenses.

For mild cases, the best remedy is to wash the leg with Derma Wash, dry it, and then apply MudDoc. Repeat this until the infection is completely gone and the skin can start to recover.

Winter complaint #3: thick winter coats

A sport horse that trains through the winter can have problems with its winter coat. One solution to make life easier for you and your horse is by clipping that winter coat. However, you need to keep in mind that a horse without its winter coat will have a higher thermoneutral zone so extra rugs are definitely a need! A clipped coat also makes the cooling down more efficient as the horse cools down faster. But don’t rug your horse immediately after riding! As long as your horse is sweating after work, he doesn’t need a wool rug. What about after intense training? You should cool the legs well, whether or not the horse has been clipped.

Our tip: after clipping, wash your horse with Derma Wash for perfect skin regeneration

Horses have sensitive skin. To prevent skin irritations, do the following:

  • Use pH-neutral products
  • Restore natural protection
  • Brush to help keep the coat clean and supple

Natural protection is easier said than done. But you can help. Treating wounds or irritated areas with Derma Spray helps the skin to recover. As with Dry Feet, Derma Spray uses pro- and prebiotics: micro-mechanisms that help horses recover naturally.

Winter complaint #4: Coughing and wheezing

Irritations don’t affect just the legs and hooves in winter. The horse’s respiratory system is also taxed. Let’s be honest, we’d all rather be indoors than outdoors on bad-weather days. You ride more in an indoor school and you also spend more time in the barn than in summer. This, of course, also affects the horses. Doors and windows are closed much more often than in the summer months, resulting in less fresh air in the barn, and dust can cause sensitivity in the airways.

Fortunately, you can prevent airway irritation with the following tips:

  • Open the doors and windows when mucking out the stables
  • Wet the floor before sweeping to give dust less of a chance
  • Keep your horse’s roughage free from dust and mold. Steaming the feed can help
  • There are several herbs that are good for the respiratory system. You can find these herbs in Bronchix Liq and Bronchix Pure

Want to read more about the effects of oxygen on the horse’s body? Take a look at this article.

Elynn Cavalor
Product manager Cavalor supplements & care
From science to practice. This is how Elynn prefers to see new Cavalor supplements developed and where her knowledge as a bioengineer comes into play. Health inside and out: Cavalor care products also have her attention. As a rider, Elynn likes to test products herself so she can be sure that the products always deliver what she promises.

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