
For hot days: Ideal wellness treatment to spoil your horse after heavy effort or on hot days
Essential oils: Concentrated liniment contains essential oils used to wash, refresh, and cool the body, muscles, and legs
Natural ingredients: Includes menthol, eucalyptus and tea tree oil.
Soothing sensation: Menthol/eucalyptus produces a cool, soothing sensation to refresh tired, aching legs and inhibits a pain receptor, making them effective topical analgesics
Treats minor abrasions: Tea Tree oil is excellent for treating minor abrasions

Available in

500ml Bottle
2L Refill Pouch 0.00

More about this product

Cavalor CoolSens is a concentrated liniment containing a blend of essential oils to wash, refresh, and cool the horse's body, muscles, and legs. It is important for horses to cool down thoroughly after sweating to prevent tight muscles and long-term damage to the body. If the horse continues to sweat, it means that its body is still too hot. Cool down the horse with cold or lukewarm water. Adding Cavalor CoolSens to the water will prolong and increase the cooling effects.

Cavalor CoolSens is the ideal wellness treatment for indulging your horse after hard work or just on a hot summer day. Enjoy some quality time with your horse as you watch him recover, drying quickly with a radiant shine.

Cavalor CoolSens contains essential oils like menthol, Eucalyptus radiata and tea tree oil. Menthol and eucalyptus stimulate the sensory nerves that make tired and aching legs feel cool and refreshed. They also block pain receptors, making them effective as externally-applied analgesics. Menthol, in addition to its localised cooling and analgesic properties, also dilates the blood vessels to speed up the healing process. This allows more blood to reach pain areas, helping to alleviate muscle and joint pain. Cavalor CoolSens is pH neutral and won’t irritate the skin. It also contains tea tree oil, making it ideal for cleansing minor wounds.

Dilute Cavalor CoolSens in cold water to the desired concentration. Use a sponge to apply to the horse’s body, giving special attention to the back and legs. Do not rinse off; simply remove excess water with a sweat scraper so that the horse is not dripping wet.

Warning: For external use only. Avoid contact with the eyes.

Did you know?

Cooling down is just as important as warming up. Avoid injuries by paying special attention to the care of your horse's muscles and tendons at the end of your workouts.

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What our fans think about our products:

They look and feel their best
The horses need proper nutrition to build muscle and look and feel their best. Strucomix Senior is palatable for my older horses and the Fiberforce is great for my easy keepers. It keeps them trim but provides them with all their nutritional requirements!
Lauren Hill
Seaborne Farm
Individual nutrition needs
Endurix has made the biggest change in my horse, it has put on the lean muscle that I was trying for. My horses are able to meet their individual nutrition needs with Cavalor, which in turn allows me to make them the best athletes they can be.
Jamie McAllster
McAllister Eventing
Opening the feed is a treat!
Strucomix Senior is so palatable and smells so good I want to eat it! It is a treat just to open the bags in the feed room.
Leslie Terry
Brittany Massey_web
A healthy GI system
We feed a lot of Fiberforce as I have lots of ponies and warmbloods all of which travel and compete - the Fiberforce ensures a healthy GI system without added sugars so I can safely feed it to my tiniest ponies and oldest members of the herd.
Brittany Massey
BTH Equestrian
A satisfying meal
I love Cavalor Silhouette because it allowed my chunky horse to eat more than a handful of pellets, maintain muscle, and still get the required nutrients at a low feeding rate. I chose it for my OTTB to give him a different and more natural feed.
Sarah McClaflin
A mane to be proud of!
A mane to be proud of!
My Friesian's mane is 160 cm long. I care for it with Star Shine to let my superstar shine at every competition, where I always hear lots of “oh’s” and “wow’s” from the spectators.
Ria Hermans
The ultimate cool-down
The ultimate cool-down
I’ve recently been treating my pony with Cavalor Muscle Cooler following intensive training. There’s no doubt that his muscles are less stiff than they used to be after a hard training session. Hot tendons and muscles return to normal body temperature much faster after using the Muscle Cooler.
Marlotte Kaldenberg
The results are incredible!
The results are incredible!
I was looking for a feed for my 17-year-old mare who needs a low-sugar diet, as she is unable to metabolise the high sugar content of other horse feeds. That’s how I came upon Cavalor Fiberforce. My horse loves this mix and hasn’t had any excess muscle acidity since I started feeding it!
Natascha Rogmans
It’s a great feed
Cavalor Tradition Apple really is a brilliant feed! My pony is always good and waits until I give her some. She is generally greedy and she especially likes the apple pieces. The feed has improved her appearance and her coat has a wonderful shine.
Suzanne Willemsen
The long mane is back
My horse was really itchy and had rubbed away most of his mane. Since I’ve been using Cavalor SwItch - you can see the beautiful, long mane for yourselves. A fantastic product!
Jana Verschoren
My shining star
My horse Skipje is now getting the Western Mix from Cavalor and he’s doing really well on it. He looks much fitter and healthier. It’s a very promising start. With Cavalor Star Shine, I can get him shining like a star even after an afternoon in the field! And Cavalor Dry Feet stops him from getting thrush if he does stand in the mud!
Tatja Van Donderen
The best a horse can get
My horse often suffers from thrush in the winter months. I bought Cavalor Dry Feet on recommendation and I could see a result after just one day. It works really well. Highly recommended! Cavalor Dry Feet is highly recommended if your horse often has soggy hooves!
Youtha Eysackers
A massive difference
My mare is a Haflinger-Belgian Warmblood cross and she’s really wild, both to handle and to ride. She’s also half cold blood, so it’s really important that she doesn’t get too much protein. After trying out countless feeds from other brands, I decided on Pianissimo - and it really made a difference.
Charlotte De Beule
Delicious products
Cavalor Mash & Mix is my horse’s favourite! I really like it too, because it can be fed wet and dry. It’s ideal for giving a quick warm feed after work.
Jannet Haakman
Dazzling white
If you have a grey horse, you need to spend the whole day before a competition washing him to make sure that he is as clean as possible! I’ve tried everything on him. Somebody gave me the perfect tip. Cavalor Bianco Wash! It seems expensive to buy but you only need a small amount so it lasts forever! And it really works!
Esther Breman
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They look and feel their best
The horses need proper nutrition to build muscle and look and feel their best. Strucomix Senior is palatable for my older horses and the Fiberforce is great for my easy keepers. It keeps them trim but provides them with all their nutritional requirements!
Lauren Hill
Seaborne Farm
Individual nutrition needs
Endurix has made the biggest change in my horse, it has put on the lean muscle that I was trying for. My horses are able to meet their individual nutrition needs with Cavalor, which in turn allows me to make them the best athletes they can be.
Jamie McAllster
McAllister Eventing
Opening the feed is a treat!
Strucomix Senior is so palatable and smells so good I want to eat it! It is a treat just to open the bags in the feed room.
Leslie Terry
Brittany Massey_web
A healthy GI system
We feed a lot of Fiberforce as I have lots of ponies and warmbloods all of which travel and compete - the Fiberforce ensures a healthy GI system without added sugars so I can safely feed it to my tiniest ponies and oldest members of the herd.
Brittany Massey
BTH Equestrian
A satisfying meal
I love Cavalor Silhouette because it allowed my chunky horse to eat more than a handful of pellets, maintain muscle, and still get the required nutrients at a low feeding rate. I chose it for my OTTB to give him a different and more natural feed.
Sarah McClaflin
A mane to be proud of!
A mane to be proud of!
My Friesian's mane is 160 cm long. I care for it with Star Shine to let my superstar shine at every competition, where I always hear lots of “oh’s” and “wow’s” from the spectators.
Ria Hermans
The ultimate cool-down
The ultimate cool-down
I’ve recently been treating my pony with Cavalor Muscle Cooler following intensive training. There’s no doubt that his muscles are less stiff than they used to be after a hard training session. Hot tendons and muscles return to normal body temperature much faster after using the Muscle Cooler.
Marlotte Kaldenberg
The results are incredible!
The results are incredible!
I was looking for a feed for my 17-year-old mare who needs a low-sugar diet, as she is unable to metabolise the high sugar content of other horse feeds. That’s how I came upon Cavalor Fiberforce. My horse loves this mix and hasn’t had any excess muscle acidity since I started feeding it!
Natascha Rogmans
It’s a great feed
Cavalor Tradition Apple really is a brilliant feed! My pony is always good and waits until I give her some. She is generally greedy and she especially likes the apple pieces. The feed has improved her appearance and her coat has a wonderful shine.
Suzanne Willemsen
The long mane is back
My horse was really itchy and had rubbed away most of his mane. Since I’ve been using Cavalor SwItch - you can see the beautiful, long mane for yourselves. A fantastic product!
Jana Verschoren

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