Every horse is different. Every rider is unique. The nice thing about equestrian sport is that, while we are all different, we have one thing in common: horses. The unique partnership we have with our horses take a lot of hard work and dedication. In this Cavalor movie different equestrians share their story about what drives them.

Cavalor presents

Every horse is different. Every rider is unique. The nice thing about equestrian sport is that, while we are all different, we have one thing in common: horses.

The unique partnership we have with our horses take a lot of hard work and dedication. In this Cavalor movie different equestrians share their story about what drives them.


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Ambition is the first step in successful horsemanship. The second is dedication.”

Dedication is the hours of horsemanship when nobody is watching.”

Ambition is what drives us and makes us grow. All of us. Ambition and goals come in a variety of forms – from the desire to perform at the highest level to the motivation to work each day at strengthening your bond with your horse. Successful horsemanship involves so much more than winning medals. Our greatest achievements with our horses sometimes happen outside the show arena. They teach us perseverance, encourage us to push beyond our limits, and show us the real meaning of friendship.

Always moving forward shows what it takes – and what it gives – to work and live with horses. At Cavalor we relate to that. We have that mutual drive to become better every day. Always moving forward. By questioning, by doing innovative research, by sharing knowledge. Dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our horses.  

Horses – as happy and healthy athletes – are our most valuable asset. They are the starting points for achieving your ambitions.

You set the goal. We are here to support your ambitions.

We are Cavalor, a part of your team.

It's all about dedication, commitment and drive

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Courage and inspiration

To get to the job it takes 100% commitment. It takes everything. To improve everyday in the little details. If you get rewarded for all the time and effort you put into it, a victory on the highest level. That feeling makes you pushing to wanting to have more every single week.

Nicola and Olivier Philippaerts, showjumpers

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Friendship and teamwork

My first passion is the horse. I also like to go to the show and win, but that’s not the first. The first is the horse. She makes me happy and I hope she is also happy to see me. I do my maximum for the horse, but not only for the horse. Also for the rider. I wouldn’t know what to do without horses.

Tiffany Lettalec. groom

Ambition and trust

Horse riding gives me the feeling of freedom. It’s a partnership, it’s about the connection. For me that’s everything, nothing works without the trust and the bonding. When I am with my horses, I can be myself. That’s something special.

Luna Laabs, dressage rider

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Joy and dedication

You always learn from horses, each horse teaches you something. Each horse pushes me to another boundary. I really want to know how my horses feel and think. It takes a lot of dedication, a lot of time and effort. To understand the horse and to work well with them in liberty. They are my children.   

Kenzie Dysli, liberty trainer



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