Sport & Recovery

Sport & Recovery

Fien Cavalor
Written byFien Demeyere
Without sport there’s no need for recovery and without recovery, you can’t keep doing sport! Sport and recovery are inextricably linked. Every horse is an athlete: from the leisure horse taken on hacks to the top athletes who knock us out with their Olympic-level performances. To become as fit as possible, of course, one needs to train. But even more important are proper nutrition and sufficient attention to recovery.

Just like us humans, horses need energy to function and perform. They get this energy from feed. Short, explosive exercises (for example jumping) require the consumption of starch and sugars. That’s where Cavalor Perfomix comes in, releasing fast carbohydrate energy for athletic performance. For prolonged work like dressage or long outdoor hacks, your horse needs a feed with a high fat content like Cavalor Endurix. This high-fat feed releases energy from fats and fibres, so-called ‘cool’ energy, slowly and over a sustained period of time, allowing your horse to work longer.  

A horse gets its energy from food

Energy requirements

How much energy does a horse need? That will depend on several factors. Horses will have different basic energy requirements or maintenance requirements based on the following:

  • Breed
  • Age
  • Body weight
  • Condition

In addition to the maintenance requirement, some horses require extra energy for the work they must perform. This is determined by:

  • Type of exertion (trail ride, jumping, etc.)
  • Duration of work

After hard work, you must let your horse recover. This includes muscle recovery, fluid and electrolyte replenishment and a sufficient supply of energy.

Recovery of muscle damage

Minor damage to the muscles occurs during exercise. The muscles become stronger after proper recovery. To recover, muscles need amino acids. These are muscle’s ‘building blocks’. With amino acids, quality is at least as important as quantity. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which is why high-quality proteins are important after strenuous activity. Cavalor Muscle Motion keeps muscles supple and healthy and prevents acidification and muscle damage. Cavalor LactaTec goes one step further: its unique formula and essential oils provide comprehensive support for muscles.  


When a horse sweats, it loses large amounts of water and minerals – also known as electrolytes. Electrolytes are a collection of nutrients that are important for many functions in the horse’s body. Without quick electrolyte replenishment, performance will be adversely affected and health problems may arise.

Did you know that horses cannot store electrolytes? That’s why it’s important that they be provided at the right time. The Cavalor line offers electrolytes in powder and liquid form: Cavalor Electrolyte Balance and Electroliq Balance.

Horses cannot store electrolytes

Electrolyte supplements are most often needed in summer. Which makes sense, because that’s when your horse sweats the most. But horses sweat in other seasons too – think of that strenuous training session in the indoor arena on a cold winter’s day, or after a long trip in the trailer. You do not have to give your horse electrolytes every day, but provide them after your horse has worked up a sweat – regardless of the

temperature or the season. Want to make sure your horse gets enough fluids and electrolytes on hot days? Then feed him Cavalor Mash & Mix, a mash with electrolytes. Your horse will love the taste and enjoy faster recovery.

Your horse’s care post-work is just as important as before work! Optimum performance requires sufficient recovery. Proper care after training will keep your horse healthy and fit!

These are our ambassadors’ favourite care products!

Curious about our brand ambassadors’ favourite products? These products help you and your horse deliver optimum performance and recover well.

Fien Cavalor
Equine nutritionist
Not a day goes by that Fien cannot be found among the horses. At competitions, during stable visits or simply at home. With this wealth of knowledge and experience, Fien provides many horse owners with personal advice every day for optimal health and performance. Feed as you need, because no horse is the same.

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Personal advice

Would you like personal advice on which nutrition and care is best for your horse? Just ask us! You can reach us via our Cavalor Consumerline or send us an email.

Online ration calculator

MyCavalor.com is a fast, user-friendly online resource that will help you calculate the appropriate ration for your horse in no time.