Tips on strengthening your horse’s immune system

Tips on strengthening your horse’s immune system

Fien Cavalor
Written byFien Demeyere
Now that we’re in the grip of icy cold weather, it’s important that your horse has a strong immune system. Winter’s decreased vitamin D absorption, cold temperatures, and less fresh forage all have an impact on your horse’s natural defences. A little extra help is needed to keep those natural defences strong.

We have a few tips on how you can support your horse’s immune system:

  • Give your horse ample amounts of high-quality roughage. Roughage contains fibre, an essential nutrient for gut flora.
  • Give your horse extra vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals provide important protective substances. They keep systems running and deliver enzymes which in turn “destroy” harmful invaders. It is important that they be taken in through feed since the horse’s body cannot produce them itself.
  • Be sure to provide adequate energy and proteins. Every horse needs energy and proteins, and both are important for a well-functioning immune system.
  • Supplement feed rations with pre- and probiotics. These support good health and strengthen the body’s immune system through their positive effects on gut flora. Prebiotics are fuel for healthy bacteria in the large intestine. Probiotics are bacteria that help to correct gut flora imbalances. They support good bacteria which in turn fight bad bacteria.
  • Make sure your horse gets enough rest after intense workouts. Give your horse enough opportunities to move about freely and have contact with other horses. This will have positive effects on the animal’s mental health.

Our personal favourites for winter are Cavalor OilMega and Cavalor Strucomash Beet.

Cavalor OilMega is a plant-based aid to support your horse’s gut flora and immune system. It’s a balanced blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E for a shiny coat and a healthy moulting process. Support your horse’s immune system with Cavalor OilMega.

Cavalor Strucomash Beet is high in fibre, an essential part of equine nutrition. It contains dried beet schnitzel flakes and long fibres. Soak for 60 minutes before feeding. A real treat for your horse in the winter months.

Fien Cavalor
Equine nutritionist
Not a day goes by that Fien cannot be found among the horses. At competitions, during stable visits or simply at home. With this wealth of knowledge and experience, Fien provides many horse owners with personal advice every day for optimal health and performance. Feed as you need, because no horse is the same.

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