Every breeder wants to have a healthy and strong foal that can develop into a good sport horse. A good gestation period, a safe foaling and thereafter the stable growth of the young horse are all aspects that contribute to success.

Good management in general, so for such things as stabling, time in the pasture and social contact, is also an important factor.

Nutrition in particular, however, is one of the most important building blocks for the foal to develop into a healthy, strong and successful sport horse. Make sure you get off to a smart start that will give your future champion the very best start! 

We made a white paper where we discuss all important stages including insemination, gestation and lactation. You’ll get a glimpse into the energy needs of mares and foals as well as useful tips.

In this white paper you’ll learn about the following topics:

  • The nutritional needs of mares and foals
  • How to give your foal an optimum start in life
  • How you can keep your mare in top shape
  • How ensure your foal the best care for optimum growth


You’ll also get a practical overview of all stages from foetus to young horse.

Download the free white paper "Start smart. Start strong." here.

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Prepare for birth

Over the last weeks of gestation the mare has produced antibodies that the foal ingests after birth via the foremilk, also called colostrum. The foal is born sterile without immunity or resistance, meaning the first intake of colostrum is critical to its survival. Through this it takes up the important antibodies needed to develop resistance. Timing is important here because the small intestine closes within 24 hours after foaling. For this reason, the foal must drink the colostrum quickly so that it can ingest the antibodies through the milk. The colostrum literally kick-starts the foal’s body.

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