We believe in the ‘Feed as you need principle’, as not every horse needs a high-energy concentrate feed. Therefore, at Cavalor we have developed several balancers that provide your horse with its vitamin and mineral needs to complement its roughage.
At Cavalor, we support the principle of roughage first. Horses are herbivores and need plenty of roughage. Although roughage provides energy and protein, it does not contain enough vitamins and minerals. If horses are fed only roughage or too little concentrate, they are likely to become deficient. In that case, it is necessary to supplement the ration with a balancer.
At Cavalor, we highly value ‘Feed as you need’. Horses should not be fed unnecessary amounts of concentrate. Too much energy in the ration can result in lactic acid buildup in muscles and obesity. In addition, all horses are different and a tailor-made ration is recommended. Exercise and management also play an important role in determining an appropriate ration.
For horses that are not fed a complete feed or have temporarily specific needs, Cavalor has several balancers in its range. Which balancer is most appropriate depends mainly on your horse’s needs.
There are two types: for daily and temporary use.
Daily use: These balancers make up for deficiencies of vitamins and minerals in the daily ration.
Temporary use: These are used to cover temporary needs, such as muscle building or weight gain.
Many horses are given concentrates in addition to hay, but this is not always necessary. Horses that don’t work much often get enough energy from roughage. However, what they always need are vitamins and minerals. Grass in a meadow or hay in the barn does not contain enough to keep all body processes running smoothly. Long-term deficiencies can eventually lead to health problems such as poor hoof quality, dull coat or reduced performance. Finally, the balance between these minerals is also crucial for a well-functioning body. An excess of phosphorus, for example, can interfere with the absorption of calcium, causing deficiencies and problems.
Do you want extensive nutritional advice for your horse? Using our online advice tool: MyCavalor.com, you can put together a feed recommendation based on your needs. Do you prefer personal advice? Ask your question to one of our Cavalor nutritionists via our Consumer Line +32(0)9 220 25 25 or email info@cavalor.com.