Hoof care

‘No hoof no, horse.’ So goes the saying. With Cavalor’s hoof care products you can provide optimal support for your horse’s hooves. For common conditions such as thrush, crumbly hooves and thin soles, we have several products in our range!

Hoof care

Hoof care

‘No hoof no, horse.’ So goes the saying. With Cavalor’s hoof care products you can provide optimal support for your horse’s hooves. For common conditions such as thrush, crumbly hooves and thin soles, we have several products in our range!

Hoof care

Dry Feet

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Pre- and probiotic spray to keep hooves healthy

p.st. 20.66


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100% natural balm that melts away mud fever like snow in sunshine

p.st. 0.00


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This hoof oil ensures quick relief to sensitive hooves and promotes hoof elasticity

p.st. 0.00


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Nourishing with essential oils: improves hoof growth and hoof quality

p.st. 0.00


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Hoof paste developed for natural maintenance and to prevent hoof pain

p.st. 0.00

Dry Feet

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Pre- and probiotic spray to keep hooves healthy

p.st. 20.66


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100% natural balm that melts away mud fever like snow in sunshine

p.st. 0.00


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This hoof oil ensures quick relief to sensitive hooves and promotes hoof elasticity

p.st. 0.00


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Nourishing with essential oils: improves hoof growth and hoof quality

p.st. 0.00


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Hoof paste developed for natural maintenance and to prevent hoof pain

p.st. 0.00

Hoof care: What can you do about thrush and other conditions?

Due to domestication and the current way of keeping horses, the hooves do not wear down quickly and evenly enough. This makes good hoof care in horses very important and, of course, a trimming every six to eight weeks is essential. In the blog “tips & tricks for healthy hooves”  you can read all about how to best take care of your horse’s hooves. Below we discuss common hoof conditions and which Cavalor products can support the treatment of these disorders.


Thrush is a bacterial infection in the frog of the hoof. You can recognise thrush mainly by the deep narrow groove in the middle of the frog, which should not be there. Also, the frog is often small, ‘sunken’ into the hoof and is soft to the touch. Thrush often causes the hoof to misalign and reduces shock absorption. It is important to treat thrush in your horse properly by having it trimmed regularly and providing clean and dry bedding. You can also support the frog with Cavalor Dry Feet Spray. This pre- and probiotic-based spray provides the sole and frog with a protective and beneficial microflora that actively supports the immunity of the hoof. As a result, the presence of bacteria that cause thrush is minimised.

Crumbling hooves

Especially in the summer, many horses suffer from crumbling hooves. Due to the dry weather, the hoof absorbs less moisture and cracks can easily occur, which in turn can cause pieces of the hoof to crumble. To provide the hoof with sufficient moisture and nutrients, you can rub the hoof with a hoof oil such as Cavalor Podoguard, which is a unique blend of nourishing and essential oils that penetrate deeply into the hoof to ensure optimal hoof care in your horse. In addition, proper hoof care by timely trimming remains of great importance in preventing crumbling hooves. If hooves are too long, cracks are more likely to occur and there is a greater chance that pieces will crumble.

Thin/sensitive soles

Horses with thin and sensitive soles may have some sensitive reaction to the (hard) ground after a visit from the farrier and need specific hoof care. It is important to have this sensitivity examined by your farrier and possibly consult with your vet. Underlying causes of sensitive soles may include: laminitis, white line disease, hoof ulcers, thin soles and frequent training on hard surfaces. Cavalor SoleMate can be used to support the sole of the hoof. It is a paste that you apply to the underside of the hoof that functions as a cushion, eliminating sensitivity. In addition, Cavalor PodoSens can contribute to quick relief in case of sensitive hooves and promote the elasticity of the hoof.

Buy Cavalor hoof care products

In our store locator, you can find the nearest Cavalor dealer in your area. Thanks to our many dealers, you never have to drive far for your Cavalor hoof care products. Would you like personal advice? Ask your question to one of our Cavalor nutritionists via our Consumer Line +32(0)9 220 25 25 or email info@cavalor.com.

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