Insects and itching

Does your horse hate flies too? The products below neutralise your horse’s smell and reduce itching so your horse can enjoy a carefree time in the field.

Insects and itching

Insects and itching

Does your horse hate flies too? The products below neutralise your horse’s smell and reduce itching so your horse can enjoy a carefree time in the field.

Insects and itching


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A natural and effective coat spray that neutralises the smell of sweat. Ideal for hacks! 0.00


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Highly effective spray; keeps flying insects off both horses and riders 0.00


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Skin care spray for horses prone to skin irritations and/or itching 0.00


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A natural and effective coat spray that neutralises the smell of sweat. Ideal for hacks! 0.00


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Highly effective spray; keeps flying insects off both horses and riders 0.00


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Skin care spray for horses prone to skin irritations and/or itching 0.00

The nuisance caused by flies

As pleasant as the warm spring/summer weather is, the rise in temperature also causes more flies and other insects in the barn. Many horses suffer from this and become irritated, get insect bites, suffer from itching and in the worst case even sweet itch. To protect your horse from flies, horseflies and other insects, you can use fly spray. The flies are attracted to the smell and warmth of your horse. Especially in combination with sweat, this smell becomes even more attractive to flies and before you know it, your horse is covered in flies. Cavalor has developed various products that neutralise your horse’s scent, making it less attractive to insects. You can read more about this below.

Fly Spray for Horses

Cavalor ProScent spray is a horse perfume made from natural ingredients. It is a blend of essential oils that neutralise your horse’s natural body odour, making him less attractive to flies. It contains the following ingredients:

  • Lemon and Eucalyptus are scents that insects don’t like and also serve as a natural alternative to DEET.
  • Lavender: Has a nourishing and soothing effect on the skin
  • Tea Tree: has insect repellent properties and keeps the coat healthy.

Cavalor Flyless insect repellent for horses can also protect your horse from insects. The spray is based on the insect repellent Icardine. This substance disrupts the mechanism that attracts insects to human and animal skin. Studies have shown that formulations containing 20% icaridin protect humans for up to 10 hours and horses for up to 24 hours.

Itching and sweet itch in horses

Due to an allergic reaction to the saliva of ‘midges’ (small mosquitoes), horses can suffer from summer eczema. This manifests as extreme itching especially at the base of the tail and mane crest. As a result of this itching, horses start to rub, causing bald patches and sometimes even serious wounds. It is therefore a good idea to keep a horse stabled from sunset to sunrise, where there are fewer midges. Wearing an eczema blanket can also help against insect stings from the midges. Chafing and wounds can be treated with Cavalor SwItch, which instantly relieves itching and heals wounds caused by chafing. Moreover, it also keeps insects at bay.

Buy Cavalor insect repellent

In our store locator, you can find the nearest Cavalor dealer in your area. Thanks to our many dealers, you never have to drive far for Cavalor fly spray. Would you like personal advice? Ask your question to one of our Cavalor nutritionists via our Consumer Line +32(0)9 220 25 25 or email

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