Energy and condition

Energy and condition

Energy and condition

Energy and condition

Peak Performance

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Supplement for improved condition and endurance in sport horses for better performance. 0.00

An Energy Boost

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Paste for an immediate energy boost and rapid recovery after exercise 0.00

Kick Up

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Supplement to keep your horse fresh 0.00

Pow’Red Performance

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Supplement for extra energy and endurance during prolonged exertion 0.00

Peak Performance

Subtitle to be added dynamically

Supplement for improved condition and endurance in sport horses for better performance. 0.00

An Energy Boost

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Paste for an immediate energy boost and rapid recovery after exercise 0.00

Kick Up

Subtitle to be added dynamically

Supplement to keep your horse fresh 0.00

Pow’Red Performance

Subtitle to be added dynamically

Supplement for extra energy and endurance during prolonged exertion 0.00

The right energy at the right time

Improving your horse’s fitness, how do you do that? To get a horse in good shape, the whole body must function properly. Still, it can be difficult to build this up. If you notice that your horse’s condition and stamina are deteriorating or not improving as training progresses, it may be advisable to feed your horse supplements that can support it in this. Energy is the fuel of the body and is essential for good performance. But that’s not all that matters. Besides energy, there are plenty of other nutrients your horse’s body needs to build fitness and performance.

Your horse in top condition

Among other things, the equine supplements in Cavalor’s fitness and performance line provide improved energy transport, promote quick recovery after intense exercise. Every ingredient contributes to a vital horse that is able to keep giving it its all.

  • Cavalor Pow’Red Performance s a mix of vitamins and minerals that supports energy metabolism and provides more vitality and a better basic fitness of your horse.
  • Cavalor Peak Performance improves the mobility and performance of sport horses by stimulating blood circulation and boosting the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  • Cavalor Kick Up gives horses a mental and physical boost. Ideal for phlegmatic horses that suffer from an energy dip during multi-day competitions.
  • Cavalor An Energy Boost is given shortly before and/or shortly after exercise. It contains quick-release sugars that provide an energy surge and electrolytes that ensure optimal recovery.

Nutritional advice for your horse

Are you unsure whether one of the supplements from the fitness and performance line is suitable for your horse? Using our online advice tool, you can put together a feed recommendation based on your needs. Do you prefer personal advice? Ask your question to one of our Cavalor nutritionists via our Consumer Line +32(0)9 220 25 25 or email

Buy Cavalor supplements

In our store locator, you can find the nearest Cavalor shop in your area. Thanks to our many points of sale, you never have to drive far for your Cavalor supplements!

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