Summer tips: how to keep your horse comfortable and healthy in the heat?

Summer tips: how to keep your horse comfortable and healthy in the heat?

Elynn Cavalor
Written byElynn Thys
Summer weather is delightful for us, but what about your horse? Our nutritionists share their best tips to keep your horse healthy and comfortable in the heat.
Why extra care is needed

When the temperature outside your horse’s thermoneutral zone (TNZ) rises, extra support is needed to help them dissipate heat properly. In the TNZ, a horse doesn’t need to exert effort to maintain its body temperature (36-37 °C). This zone depends on age and condition. For an unclipped horse, it ranges from -5 to +15 degrees. This applies to adult horses accustomed to average temperatures.

Tip 1: adjust the schedule

A horse’s thermoneutral zone differs from that of humans, causing them to feel the heat more quickly. Therefore, ride early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler. Ensure a good cooling down! Add Cavalor CoolSens to the water during the cooling down for an enhanced and prolonged cooling effect.

Tip 2: ensure hydration and electrolyte balance

Sweating is healthy but also depletes your horse’s fluid reserves. Ensure your horse always drinks enough water to prevent dehydration. A horse’s thirst isn’t always adequately triggered, even with heavy sweating. Always provide access to fresh drinking water. If your horse doesn’t drink, you can sprinkle some salt on its tongue to stimulate thirst.

During exertion, your horse loses not only fluids but also electrolytes, which are crucial for its body. After riding, it’s important to give your horse electrolytes. Giving electrolytes preventively is pointless because horses cannot store them.

Use products like Cavalor Electroliq Balance or Cavalor Electrolyte Balance to replenish lost electrolytes and help your horse recover. Administer these shortly after exercise for the best effect, ensuring that the minerals are not lost and your horse’s reserves are quickly replenished.

Want to ensure your horse gets enough fluids and electrolytes on hot days? Use Cavalor Sportmash Recup. This mash is rich in quality proteins and electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and chloride) that contribute to muscle recovery after training or competitions. Soaking the mash ensures extra fluid intake, which is excellent for your horse’s recovery.

Tip 3: protect your horse from pesky insects

Insects and summer go hand in hand. Flies, mosquitoes, and other insects are attracted to your horse’s scent, especially when it sweats. Horses are often very sensitive to these insects, leading to irritations, itching, and sometimes even summer eczema.

If you are looking for effective insect protection for your horse, Cavalor ProScent and Cavalor FlyLess are indispensable products. These help protect your horse and maintain its comfort during the summer months.

Check out this video for more tips on cooling down:

Elynn Cavalor
Product manager Cavalor supplements & care
From science to practice. This is how Elynn prefers to see new Cavalor supplements developed and where her knowledge as a bioengineer comes into play. Health inside and out: Cavalor care products also have her attention. As a rider, Elynn likes to test products herself so she can be sure that the products always deliver what she promises.

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