Three steps for optimal recovery in (performance) horses
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Three steps for optimal recovery in (performance) horses

Tags: take care
Many athletes are familiar with the importance of a good warm-up, but you shouldn’t forget the cooling-down either. Its purpose is to gradually bring the body to a resting level. By not stopping abruptly, but gradually reducing the intensity of exercise, you facilitate the effective removal of waste products from the muscles. This will help you avoid tense, tired muscles and muscle stiffness. This is an important step towards optimal recovery.

If a horse has exercised, it needs to recover from it. Optimal recovery ensures that your horse will be fit and rested, and ready for the next performance. It is therefore essential in a horse’s exercising schedule. Did you know that nutrition is an important part of recovery?  In this blog, we keep you updated on optimal (performance) horse recovery and the role of nutrition in this process.

Recover with protein

During exercise, small tears are formed in the muscles. This is quite normal and part of the natural process of muscle building. During the recovery process, muscles need building blocks, and proteins play a key role here. Indeed, proteins are the building blocks of muscle. It is not just about the quantity, but more importantly the quality of the proteins. Would you like to know more about the scientific research we did on this? You can read about that here. Consciously choose proteins rich in ‘Branched Chain amino acids’ like leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These are proteins with a profile close to the horse’s protein profile.

Rehydrate with electrolytes

Sweating is healthy, it helps a horse cool down quickly. During intense work, a horse can lose up to 1.5 litres of fluid per hour. But sweat is not just moisture; it also contains minerals, also called electrolytes. These electrolytes are necessary for proper hydration and contribute to optimal muscle function. They are indispensable in the recovery process. Lack of electrolytes and fluids can lead to reduced performance or muscle pain. Ensure optimal replenishment of electrolytes and fluids to promote recovery.

Refuel for (new) energy

Energy is needed not only for performance, but also for recovery. Energy is needed for muscle recovery as well as for things like electrolyte absorption. Although the exercise is over, the horse’s body continues to work. Make sure your horse gets enough energy to recover and prepare for the next training session.

The recovery process after exercise is vital. By consciously choosing quality proteins, supplementing fluids and electrolytes and providing a dose of new energy, you give your horse the necessary tools to perform even better. It is key in maintaining a healthy balance and maximising your horse’s potential when performing.

We proudly present: Cavalor Sportmash Recup. When your training is done, your horse isn’t!

RECOVER, REHYDRATE, REFUEL with Sportmash Recup: the first protein-rich mash for recovery after exercise. After exercising, a protein shake? Athletes swear by it. By supplying the body with extra nutrients right after a workout, athletes ensure optimal muscle building and recovery. Makes sense, doesn’t it? This works exactly the same way for horses.

Cavalor Sportmash Recup is a source of high-quality protein that is easily digestible and has a specific amino acid profile, making an optimal contribution to muscle recovery after training or competitions. Soaking the mash ensures that extra fluids will be absorbed. With electrolytes (sodium, potassium and chloride) to replenish loss after sweating.

Want more insight into appropriate nutrition for your horse?

MyCavalor.com is a fast, user-friendly online resource that will help you calculate the appropriate ration for your horse in no time. Prefer to contact us directly? Sure! You can reach us by mail at(info@cavalor.com//) or via our consumer hotline +32(0)9 220 25 25 .

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