Skin and wound care

Good wound care is very important. Cavalor’s wound care products cleanse the wound/skin and stimulate wound healing so your horse is back on top quickly!

Skin and wound care

Skin and wound care

Good wound care is very important. Cavalor’s wound care products cleanse the wound/skin and stimulate wound healing so your horse is back on top quickly!

Skin and wound care

Derma Spray

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Cleansing probiotic spray for horses with problem skin and coats 21.07

Derma Wash

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Hygienic shampoo containing pre- and probiotics, used to wash horses that have flaky skin, dull coats or a skin condition. A versatile must-have for every stable! 17.77


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Soothing skin ointment: ideal for chafe wounds, pressure points and other skin irritations 0.00

Derma Spray

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Cleansing probiotic spray for horses with problem skin and coats 21.07

Derma Wash

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Hygienic shampoo containing pre- and probiotics, used to wash horses that have flaky skin, dull coats or a skin condition. A versatile must-have for every stable! 17.77


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Soothing skin ointment: ideal for chafe wounds, pressure points and other skin irritations 0.00

Skin and Wound Care in Horses

Every horse owner has to deal with it at some point: A wound on your horse. This is obviously never nice to see, after all, a wound can cause a lot of pain and harm. That is why it is important to have the right wound care supplies at hand so you can prevent worse. If you take your horse out of the pasture or stable with a wound, it is always good to call in the vet for advice. Sometimes a wound can look small on the outside but be quite deep on the inside. Therefore, always consult with a veterinarian about the correct wound care at that time.

What to do in case of a wound?

Before the vet arrives, it doesn’t hurt to rinse the wound with lukewarm water. Be careful not to aim the jet directly on the wound but just above it. This way you can rinse the first dirt out of the wound. Do not apply anything on it before the vet gets there and absolutely no betadine. In fact, if you do this, it becomes almost impossible to stitch the wound, which can slow down the healing process. In this step-by-step plan for a wound will tell you in detail what to do and especially what not to do.

Wound ointment for horses

After consulting the veterinarian, you can discuss which wound ointment is suitable to support wound healing. Cavalor’s Lurax Cream is a wound ointment that reduces scarring, stimulates wound healing and ensures that the hair grows back to its natural colour faster. Cavalor Derma Spray can also be used to clean small wounds.

Buy Cavalor wound ointment

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