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Valor: Eyes on the prize!

In this seventh issue of Valor we’ll be discussing focus. Inspiring stories about finding the right focus and how to find the right balance between tension and relaxation. Read all about it in this issue of Valor.

Valor: thé magazine from Cavalor!

A magazine with body. A source of inspiration. Read Valor whenever and wherever you like: at the stable, at home, on the go or at the show. In Valor, we bring you stories from the equestrian community and we will share scientific insights on nutrition, supplements and care. 

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This issue features:

Keeping focused in the saddle
Much attention is paid to relaxed horses that do their work with the right focus. As riders, we have considerable influence on our horses. After all, horses are flight animals and as riders it is our job to steer that natural behaviour in the right direction. How do we do that, exactly? And what do you, as a rider, do if you experience tension?
Sanne Beijerman
Sports psychologist
Concentration is a key factor in performance. A horse not only needs to be able to concentrate; it also needs a certain amount of tension. How can you find the right balance between tension and relaxation? Is there a difference between physical and mental tension? And how do you find the right balance of tension and relaxation in your horse?
Dr Filip Vandenberghe
Sports coaching expert
Truth or Myth ?
Stress is always unhealthy. What do you think? Truth or myth. Read the answer in this issue of Valor.
Planning, focus, timing
When you want to put in a good performance, good preparation is essential. Good preparation includes sound management of everything concerning the horse. The tack must be in order, as well as his diet. The horse must have been recently seen by the vet, dentist, farrier. It’s the details that make all the difference.
Jos Lansink
Show jumper and coach of the Dutch showjumping team
Ask the expert
My mare is very wary and can have strong reactions. Three years ago she got colic and needed surgery. Since the operation, she has been on a ration sensitive to her gastrointestinal health. However, I am now considering a change of feed to make her a little more relaxed. What do you advise?
Nicole Smith

About Valor

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  • In 4 languages
  • Also available from Cavalor retailers
  • And you can read it online anytime, anywhere!

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