Thé summer musthaves for your horse

Thé summer musthaves for your horse

Summer is here! Although warm(er) weather is nice for us, is it also nice for your horse? Cavalor’s nutritionists share their tips – for dealing with hot weather and horses – with you in this blog.

When the temperature falls outside your horse’s thermoneutral zone, extra support is needed to properly dissipate heat. In the thermoneutral zone (TNZ), a horse does not need to make an effort to maintain its core body temperature (36-37 °C). The TNZ depends, among other things, on your horse’s age and condition. For an unclipped horse, this zone ranges between -5 and +15 °C. This applies to mature horses used to average temperatures.

Tip 1: Adjust the schedule

As you have read above, a horse’s thermoneutral zone is very different from that of humans. This is why horses get hot very quickly. You can help by riding them at times when it is not so hot yet. Ride early in the morning or late in the evening and make sure to cool down your horse properly! Add Cavalor CoolSens to the water during cooling down for an increased and prolonged cooling effect.

Tip 2: Keep electrolytes at hand

While working, your horse sweats and thus loses electrolytes. These play an important role in the horse’s body. That is why you should give your horse electrolytes after riding. Giving electrolytes ‘preventively’ makes little sense, as a horse cannot store them. Would you like to read more about electrolytes? Then be sure to read this blog.

With Cavalor Electroliq Balance or Cavalor Electrolyte Balance you replenish lost electrolytes and help your horse recover properly. The ideal time to administer electrolytes is shortly after exercise. It is also possible up to 1.5 hours before exercise, but immediately after has the greatest effect. This ensures the minerals are not lost and your horse’s reserves are replenished quickly. Do you want to make sure your horse gets enough fluids and electrolytes on hot days? Then use a mash such as Cavalor Mash & Mix to mix with electrolytes. Your horse will love it, and it is excellent for their recuperation.

Tip 3: Keep up moisture levels

Although sweating may be healthy for your horse, it also depletes their fluid reserves. Your horse should therefore always drink plenty. Otherwise, they may become dehydrated. Your horse’s sense of thirst is not always sufficiently stimulated, even if they sweat heavily. Make sure your horse always has access to fresh drinking water. Is your horse not drinking? Sprinkle a little salt on their tongue to stimulate the thirst feeling and encourage drinking.

And, last but not least, make sure you cool down your horse properly. Always.

Want more insight into appropriate nutrition for your horse?

MyCavalor.com is a fast, user-friendly online resource that will help you calculate the appropriate ration for your horse in no time. Prefer to contact us directly? Sure! You can reach us by mail at(info@cavalor.com//) or via our consumer hotline +32(0)9 220 25 25 .

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