
Almost every horse loves it: mash! You will find our entire range of mashes below. They contain high-quality ingredients that are a good addition to your horse’s ration.



Almost every horse loves it: mash! You will find our entire range of mashes below. They contain high-quality ingredients that are a good addition to your horse’s ration.


Sportmash Recup

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Mash rich in protein for recuperation 0.00

Mash & Mix

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Very tasteful mash for rehydratation 0.00

Strucomash Beet

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Mash rich in fiber for good intestinal function 0.00

Sportmash Recup

Subtitle to be added dynamically

Mash rich in protein for recuperation 0.00

Mash & Mix

Subtitle to be added dynamically

Very tasteful mash for rehydratation 0.00

Strucomash Beet

Subtitle to be added dynamically

Mash rich in fiber for good intestinal function 0.00

Mash for horses, a healthy addition to the diet

A mash, is a type of concentrate for horses and should be diluted with (warm) water. It is a tasty treat for your horse that you can feed after a workout or you can feed it as an extra. At Cavalor, we have three different mashes in our range: Mash & Mix, Strucomash Beet and Sportmash Recup.

What is a mash?

Horse mash is a type of concentrate that consists mainly of bran. By diluting the mash with water, the bran expands to form a porridge and your horse can ‘gobble it down’.

When do you feed a mash to your horse?

There are several reasons why you can feed your horse a mash. We have listed them for you:

  • While traveling: Some horses have difficulty eating during transport or in a new location. Many horses love mashes. Give them a mash to get enough moisture and nutrients such as Cavalor Sportmash Recup.
  • For recovery after training: recovery is an important part of training. There is a reason why athletes take a shake after exercise. It works the same way for horses. You can support your horse’s recovery with a protein-rich mash.
  • To maintain weight during the winter months: The winter months are a challenge for some horses. Especially when it comes to maintaining weight. Although roughage plays the most important role in a horse’s ration, supplementing with a high-fibre mash in winter is definitely recommended if the horse is struggling to maintain its weight. Choose a mash with extra fibre such as Cavalor Strucomash
  • In case of dental problems: a mash is ideal for horses with dental problems. It is soft and easy to digest.
  • In case of illness: a sick horse is always a problem. Sometimes a horse needs supplements or medication to regain good health. Mix these with the mash to make sure your horse gets the supplements and medication it needs without experiencing much resistance. An easily digestible mash also helps with recovery after illness.
  • As extra hydration: You prepare a mash with water. In this way it contributes to the daily fluid intake of a horse. Choose the Cavalor Mash & Mix to rehydrate your horse.
  • As a treat: A mash is a great treat. Be careful though, feed as you need and do not give your horse more than necessary.

Nutritional advice for your horse

Are you unsure whether one of our swills is suitable for your horse? Using our online advice tool:, you can put together a feed recommendation based on your needs. Do you prefer personal advice? Ask your question to one of our Cavalor nutritionists via our Consumer Line +32(0)9 220 25 25 or email

Buying mash

In our store locator, you can find the nearest Cavalor shop in your area.

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